Monday, February 28, 2011

Ramblers Anonymous

Hello, and thank you for gathering here today.  I’d like to start by telling you a secret.  I am a rambling babbler.  Wow... I can’t believe how it feels to get that off my chest!

I have to admit, though, I’m not alone in this battle with rambling.  I have enablers, you know.  (You know who you are, but to protect the innocent I’ll not name names.)  What started out as a simple therapeutic attempt to reach out to the inbox of a friend I figured wouldn’t block me during nights of impossible insomnia has grown into something I never expected.  Before long I had email addresses of other friends I trust not to block me, and they, too allow me to prattle on for an hour from my phone’s email outbox as I try to wear my brain out so it will succumb to semi-comatose-ness.  (Or would that be semi-comatosity?) 

After awhile I was stunned to one day be the recipient of the question, “So, when am I going to get another of your crazy, late-night emails?” 
My rather stunned response: “You actually *want* me to have the insomnia that results in that kind of delirium?” 
Their reply: “Well, not that I like that you have to have the insomnia, but the emails are fun!”

I think this sort of thing rather demonstrates what I said in my earlier post about a friend or two of mine being in need of a gear tune-up.  In fact, that kind of request has not been a singular event!  Somehow or other eventually the nickname, “DGTB!” Club Newsletter (for “Di Go to Bed!”) developed, and to my great surprise when someone suggested I take it to blog status, it was overwhelmingly supported. 

So now, as such things go, I’m now caught between supporting a rambling habit and supporting a healthy lifestyle.  Is it possible to be just a “recreational rambler”?  If I start to sleep regularly would that throw a wrench in the supply-and-demand system and send the thugs after me?  What if I mix some rambling with actually coherent thoughts; would that poison the supply?  Might I find others to help boost my supply of directions to which to mentally meander?  All forbid I should say something about something anybody actually wants to hear! (*gasp* Oh the very thought!) 

Thank you for listening.  Feel free to stick around and visit for a few moments.  Refreshments might be found in your kitchen if you care to look, and sharing is encouraged.  I’m going to go try to follow a friend’s advice and “live as though you have a life.”   Or at least go fold the laundry because my dryer just sang its happy, little tune that says, “I did it!  I did it!  I got my job done!”  If we could all only be so happy to do what we gotta do, hmm?

~ Me


  1. I love it! Although I might miss the emails in my inbox now. Heaven forbid I have to go somewhere else to read your ramblings. :)

  2. Oh I'm sure there are still ample supply of ramblings for you, dear. My harvest is plentiful and I'm always willing to share.
