Tuesday, January 31, 2012

One Can Only Hope...

Some experiences in life are just so life-altering that one simply *must* share them, perhaps in hopes that the story might affect other lives in constructive ways.

It would be amazing if this post were one of those kinds of posts, wouldn't it? Alas, I don't have a story like that for you today. I just had a desire to see if I could overcome my frustration at this site's mobile nonfacilitationitory nature.

But hey, I might say something interesting, right? I might, even by accident, say something that might change something about something about your life, and it might even be something constructive!

One can only hope, hmm?


Well, quite honestly, life has all but kicked my tangented little proverbial backside to the point my tangents have felt a bit weak and feeble lately. Clearly that hasn't exactly made me give up entirely, which is evident by the fact this blog has had at least a few posts in the past few months. The plans I had made for posting haven't exactly gone as I would have hoped, but sometimes life just works out that way.

I think I have said before, that I am not a hypocrite . . . I simply live to demonstrate that I do understand that things are often much easier said than done.

But I figured, so what if this blog is lame-o and nobody really cares to read it, anyway? If they don't care to read it, it can be as lame-o as I can possibly make it, and they won't be bothered at all about it. That works for me! In fact, only those who still have hopes high enough that they are still reading this could possibly be disappointed, and they will either be giving up shortly or are so set in their ways that it wouldn't matter what I wrote, because they will likely never give up hoping I'll get around to saying something profound.

So, really, I've no reason not to just ramble away all I like, you see?

I suppose that this aspect of "courage" is one lesson one might take from this post. So perhaps I'll just throw it out there and hope for better things next time!

Enjoy something while you wait, hmm? It's a healthy part of a daily balanced life!

~ Me


  1. Sometimes it is not what is said but who says it that is important.

    And that's all I got, so this comment is a bit of the courage you were just demonstrating.

    1. *smiles*

      Perhaps that's where I got it from? ;)

      Thanks, my friend!
