Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Return of the Prodigal Sock


I got the reply to that announcement with a comment that I must be "excited about finding some random thought waves of empowerment I had lost."

Hehehe... That totally cracked me up. ; )

You see, it makes me smile to know that my little made-up terminology has taken such life in the world around me, that people have begun to assume that when I say something like, "I found my sock!!!" they automatically assume I'm referring to SoCks, rather than socks, which are an entirely different matter.  It's kinda cool to see that happen.

I'm very much a watch-people-and-see-what-they're-made-of kinda person.  I love how people think, and feel, and react.  I find it terribly curious - even fascinating - how different - and how alike - we all are, even across the world's cultural boundaries.  I also have a penchant for using hyphens whenever possible - occasionally.  As I have grown in whanau across the planet, I have had opportunities to learn a bit about the ways people in other countries think, behave and process things.  I find it fascinating, don't you?  I mean, we're all individuals, but we all have so much in common.

Socks may or may not be something we might have in common.  SoCks, too.  Some people don't wear socks, but many people have SoCk moments, even when they don't realize it.  I use our old socks as cleaning rags, which I'm not sure many others do.  The fact that I publish some of my SoCks is merely a testament to how much I love the way they form and develop, and how much fun they can be!

Where was I?  Oh yeah.. I found my sock!!!

Yes, sock - not SoCk. *chuckles*

I'm staying with a friend of mine in Canada again, and once again, we visited the cottage of a friend's family, and again, I was able to extend this sentence by using "again", but really didn't need to.  Last time I was there at the cottage, I found a sock that didn't look as though it belonged with my other socks, though it looked similar, I just couldn't tell if it was mine or not.  So, I left it, thinking it wasn't mine, but had been left behind by another before me.

I got back from the cottage, sure I was never to return, only to find that when all the laundry was done, I was missing one sock!  It has been bothering me ever since last October!  It's not as though I have so many socks that I just can't keep track of them all, after all!  So, for something close to 6 months, I've had a lonely, rejected sock at home, wistfully grieving for it's lost mate, whom I so rudely left behind in a faraway place, supposedly never to be reunited, ever again. (*sigh*)

So, when we discovered there were plans to return to the cottage ("we" being my friend and I . . . I didn't discuss my plans with the remaining sock - that would have been crazy!  How rude do you think I am, to get  its hopes up, only to likely have them dashed - especially since that sock wasn't going with me?), I did happen to wonder if, by some random chance, my sock could be found and returned to me.  I didn't have high hopes, but random things do happen sometimes, right?

Obviously they do, since you now see a picture of the sock I lost. : D  My home-bound one will be so overjoyed!  Unfortunately this one has a hole in the toe, so I'm wondering if it will mind a rather pathetic - er, I mean "unfortunate circumstance" - attempt to darn the hole in order to make the thing of much use to me in the future.  I guess only time will tell.

~ Me

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