Friday, June 15, 2012

The Little Socks vs The Big Socks

Do you remember when you were little? So little, that the Big People - parents, teachers, other grown-ups - towered over you, so much so that you had to crane your neck back to see the top of them, should they stand next to you? Those Big People who taught you The Rules, knew all The Answers and took care of all The Problems?

Do you realize, you are now one of those Big People?

Being a Big Person now, do you look back at the Big People in your past, thinking they probably had no more idea about the world than you, now, do?

Does that not seem like a rather sobering thought?

Do you now look around at the Little People around you, and wonder at the perspective change?

Does that not, too, seem like a rather sobering thought?

I mean, think about it, you're gigantic to all these little munchkins running around, stumbling over their own feet, knowing almost nothing about the world.  They are craning their little necks up at you with wide, innocent eyes, believing you are one of the Masters of the Universe, who knows Everything and yet sometimes is rather unfair. ;-)

When exactly did that happen?!  I mean, wasn't it just yesterday you and I were on the Little People side?  How does one cross over into Big People status?

And, more importantly, is there any, possible way to go back?! LOL!

Just a thought or two, to chew on. :-)

~ Me

SoCk Moments

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