Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Viva La Substance and La Fluff!

"You know . . .  it's just life.  And sometimes it doesn't matter, and sometimes it does.  Sometimes we need to cry, and sometimes tears are exactly what we need to have to heal.  But it's all fragile, so try to be gentle, loving and sincerely care.  I still believe love sent into the Universe is never wasted, regardless of its reception."

I put this as my status last night on one of those social networking thingies.  It has a lot of points in it, but they kind of reflected the day and how I'm seeing things at the moment.  Because I wanted to express to a few of those who touched my life, certain things that might touch their own, as I often do in those kinds of things, and rather than bombard the world, I simply combined them.

Life has been curiously rich in chaos lately.  I have read a bit about how some believe we welcome that which reflects our innermost selves or desires.  I have pondered this idea, and continue to do so as I mentally survey all that has happened and wonder how it all fits in with this idea.

After all, I can't imagine to believe that I have wanted in my deepest heart to endure some of what I've experienced.  Who in their right mind would?  But in some situations I can see my having invited such things, simply by choosing to love those who bring it.  So, am I wrong to do so?

I suppose the answer to that is simply deciding whether or not the experience of loving is worth the pain of the things that come as a result of the effort involved.  And not just relationships, either; having made choices that affect my later health and other areas of my life, I then must decide whether the trade was worth what I gave up as a result.  I must then think Life is about giving and trading, and receiving results we may not anticipate.

I do not believe that love sent into the Universe is ever wasted.  I believe that love given, regardless of its reception, enriches the giver, and helps fill the world with positive energy and hope for human kind.  Only through our individual choices might we have hope that the world can be a more gentle, loving place.  That is our only chance at contribution, because it can spread as easily as a virus spreads from one individual to another.

Pardon?  Yes, love could be considered a virus of sorts: it passes through contact, and affects both points of contact, and as each moves on to contact others, that positive energy can spread, and even grow in power and might.  One smile or loving word can make all the difference to one whose heart has felt entirely alone and broken.  One tear shared between hearts can strengthen a relationship and help heal a wounded soul.  It all begins with one simple point of contact.

So I guess, while this post might seem a bit heavy in some respects, that is kind of the nature of the SoCk.  Sometimes I actually do think of things that have substance, even if at other times my thinking is more fluffy.  Life can be full both of substance and of fluff, after all.  Viva la fluff!  lol!

~ Me

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