Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Beloved Gift of SoCks

Thank you.
                     I love you.
                                                                                           You matter.
                                You make my life easier.                                                   I care about you.
                                                                                   I admire you.                                                  
  I'm sorry.
         I forgive you.
                                               I'm proud of you.
                                                                                                                               You are my friend.
                                        I'm just thinking about you, and wanted you to know.

I am grateful for the little reminders that life is too short, too fragile and too precious to wait to tell people they are important - or even to realize they are important. I often hear people say, "I just wish I could have told them . . . " . Why is it we hold those words inside, like they are too precious to give away? Why do we keep them sealed up in a box on top of a high shelf in a locked closet in a dark room at the end of a long hall in a secure location within the catacombs of our hearts, though when the time comes, that when all is said and done, we will wish that we had more freely shared them with those who truly mattered but who never got to know how we really felt? Why do we do that?

Are we afraid? What is it we fear? Rejection? I may not have everything figured out in life (in fact, there are few things I actually have figured out), but of one thing, I have absolutely no doubt: love sent out into the Universe is never wasted. You can call it whatever you like; call it karma, blessings, the balance of all things . . . I have no recollection of any reason to believe that real, honest, pure love that is offered or given with true and honest intent is ever a useless endeavor. There will always be good that comes of it, whether to the sender/giver, the receiver, or even to witnesses of it. One simple, loving act will have a rippling effect in the world, in some way or other.

Therefore, I do not believe that we have anything to lose in having courage enough to make the first effort. Sometimes we discover that those to whom we give love, or with whom we share love, were simply too afraid to make the first move, themselves, and are grateful for your bravery, whether they express it or not.

So, I say, don't let a chance to express our love go unfulfilled. The quantity of our fear will likely be met with more than equal regret if we don't, whereas the amount of our courage well be met with more than equal measure of gratitude that we did it, if only within our own beings. And it can, and will, get easier just like anything we work to do with strength and energy.

Anyway, so there's my rather tightly-woven SoCk for 4am on a Wednesday. Take it or leave it - or better yet, give it.

~ me

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