Tuesday, April 5, 2011

[Insert Witty Title About Lessons or Musing or Something Related Here]

Lessons I've learned so far from blogging:
(Not all of them, and not necessarily in order)

1~ If you blog it, they will come.  If you keep blogging, you might never know if they come back.  Therefore, don't blog just so they'll see it, because if you really want them to know something, tell them directly since you might not get around to seeing their indirect messages to you, either.  Blogging should not be about passive-aggressive communication. (Okay that was more like 1-5 or something Dear, and a soapbox to boot)

6~ If you start a blog, you might start a trend, but don't be so egocentric you think this song is about you.  And if you allow your SoCk moments to blend mid-sentence like that again and include something someone might sue you for just because it puts their own song or career move in their head, you might want to make note somehow if you can remember to whom to give the credit.  But in this case everyone probably is too busy trying to get the song out of their head to worry about it.  In fact they might have stopped reading already and gone to pull up a music provider of some sort so perhaps we could stop discussing this on this number and move on in case they remember to come back.

11~ People are social creatures for a reason, and sites that allow them ("us", Dear, I am human after all AND using one of those sites even as I type this) to broadcast their ("our" - yes okay!) thoughts, actions, behaviors, advice, etc. are successful because they touch at the very heart of this reason.  We want connection to other people, and our culture has sort of evolved away from the ways we used to get that need met.  We don't often sit around campfires together, singing and talking and bonding together anymore (culturally, not literally).  We are often so busy we barely see other people who actually matter to us, in fact.  Then we're so worn out and spent, we have little left to give to those who do actually matter, so then we often start to wonder if we matter to those who matter to us.  So, we post about it, hoping someone out there in the world does think it matters.  And then we rejoice at the click of a mouse someone out there did that simply said they read it and liked what we said, because it matters that they think it matters, if only because in some, small way it reaffirms that it matters that we exist and have influenced the world somehow for good.

17~ A great way to ensure I get nothing accomplished on a project is to make it public.  I really have no idea how I could have the energy and time to focus on something in idea form, but once it's official and public, I lose track of it.  Oh well.

18~ I really do think like this in "real life".  I really am just putting into text the way I think and process things, though I find I do edit for consistency... because of course I want to make sure my inconsistency is consistent.  Actually I mostly edit for spelling, punctuation and trying not to leave out or put in words that change the entire message of a message in ways that REALLY affect the message I’m sending.  "You are not annoying me" is much different when you leave out the "not", for instance.  Okay this number is boring.  Well, not the number, really.  I have nothing against the number 18 at all.  Culturally (in my culture) it is a highly significant number actually.  But the content of the listing here is boring (*looks back to make sure to leave out the "not" in this case*).  Let's move on.

22~ Um, let's see... what else have I learned?  Oh yes, I have some amazing, but quirky friends. ;)  But that's wonderful because I love that about them.  I already knew that about most of them, though, but the feedback I've received about this blog project has really amazed me.  Some very fascinating conversations have arisen, and some personality traits I never would have known about some have surfaced, from my boldly declaring my status as a rambling babbler.  In fact, I'm not even fussed about being seen as a leader among rambling babblers, should that be a perception that develops.  Not that I want to lead a bunch of rambling babblers... I should just say "I love my friends" and leave it there, huh?

25~ A nice, basic number to end my list on, though my mind seems to have moved on to other things now and just wants to finish this and can't remember where I wanted to go with it anyway.  Though really I think that's a rather fitting way to end this entry so while I could just add something like, "I can't count," I'll just go with it.

~ Me


  1. I just want to know where 19 is? Thats an important number too isn't it? *winks*

  2. 19 is a lovely number, and one of my favorites, actually. It's around in there somewhere. You just have to know how to look sometimes, I think. :)
